(910) 508-3094


Services we provide:


We have "a fiduciary duty of utmost care, integrity, honesty, and loyalty in dealings with YOU". My interests are secondary to your rights and needs.

Accurate Information about the Local Housing Market

Not what friends, family, and television tell you.

The Truth

You deserve to know the truth about the market.

Marketing Plan

There are many strategies for marketing a property. We have a plan that has proven successful with 20 years of experience.

Professional Photos and Videos

We use only professional photographers and photos of your house and the surrounding area to showcase a lifestyle.


We are dedicated to providing clear, honest and regular communication with YOU. We believe that everyone is better if we stay connected.

Negotiating the Best Offer

It always starts with the PRICE, but the terms and conditions of the proposal have equal importance. Our job is to explain and guide you.

Customer service

How we do things, when things happen, anticipating issues, taking care of the little things, and more.

Looking for qualified trusted resources to help?

We only recommend those we have experienced their work & trust to continue their best.

Renovations and Additions:

Tim Diohep

Generator Sales and Service:

Roy Walker Jr

Handyman & Repairs:

Jack Soukup

Licensed Electrician:

John Iacovone

Graphic & Watercolor Artist:

Gene Hansen

TRUST is not given but EARNED.

When you look up the definition of the word trust, the following appears:

..firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.

Selling and/or buying a home would you not want a guide who you can trust. Handling a real estate transaction involves for most of us the largest dollar amount spent on a single item.

Do you really want to go it alone? TV makes it look like a breeze. TV is produced with many of the pitfalls and mistakes cut out. The show you see is designed to look as if there is little knowledge, expertise, and experience required to end up with everyone pleased with the final outcome.

Real life and Real Estate are not like TV.

Television has yet to produce a show depicting the ease of forecasting, advising, and choosing the best options for a couple’s retirement plan. Why…because it takes education, knowledge, and experience and can’t be summed up with making sure someone gets granite countertops and hardwood floors. You see real estate on TV is about the visual aids and not the contracts, disciplines, and finances. But real life in real estate is about all of those items and so much more.

I have been engaged in selling real estate as my full-time profession for 16+ years and I am still learning new tactics, ideas, and approaches to help my clients who choose to work with a trusted guide. I regularly engage in educational courses to keep me up to date on new laws and information.

Often I have heard, “oh a friend of my cousin is getting started in real estate and as a side to their job to earn cash and I am going to list my house with them”.


Would you take your retirement account to the friend of your brother-in-law's cousin who has a job but wants to earn some extra cash so they are going to dabble in investments?

I don’t think so.

Why would you trust just anyone to handle hundreds of thousands of dollars of your money? A real estate transaction is an investment of your money.

Do you really feel confident handling the marketing, advertising, negotiations, preparing contracts, executing contracts, mortgaging decisions, and project management to closing on your own? Get a guide.

A TRUSTED real estate agent is invaluable in saving and making you money.

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